Mike Coster, Former White Pine County Commissioner swarn in by Ely Mayor Melody VanCamp. (photo credit Associated Press)
Mike Coster, Former White Pine County Commissioner sworn in by Ely Mayor Melody VanCamp. (photo credit Associated Press)

Mike Coster, Former White Pine County airport manager and County Commissioner has been named the city of Ely’s new municipal court judge.

Mr. Mike Coster, now Judge Coster, was sworn in last week by Ely Mayor Melody VanCamp.

Judge Coster came to White Pine County in 2010 to work as airport manager and later served one term as a county commissioner. He has 12 years’ experience in private law practice and more than 20 years’ experience with the federal government in Washington D.C.

  In 2013, he was active in a drive to recall two White Pine Commissioners, Mike Lemich and John Lampros. Toguether with organiser John Adams, also Timothy Mc Gowan and Cheryl Ann Noriega, they made the headlines in the hot summer.

But in December 2014, once popular Ely local politics facebook page was shut down by its administrator after a popular revolt by its members said White Pine County Commissioner Mike Coster who also contributed to the page.

The page— White Pine and Ely Politics was begun in March 2013 by Ely resident Audrey Clark as a local politics forum coinciding with Ely’s municipal election season.

“I started the group as a way for me to learn about politics. I really knew nothing and thought it would be a great and fun way for me to learn, Little did I know the ruckus it would cause! I am truly amazed how the group grew and transformed. A lot of people joined and seemed to enjoy having a place to discuss issues and try to find answers to things.” said Clark last year.

Initially the page had a large impact on local politics.

Boasting a little over 250 members  White Pine & Ely Politics was credited by many with tipping the scales in a close city election.

“I have been told by many who live here in Ely that this group helped them become more informed on the issues then they have ever been in the past! This I find to be a great thing!!” Clark wrote in an e-mail.

“The election turned out to be quite a nail biter. When the early votes came in I was a bit disappointed. But when the next results came in I was Jumping out of my seat! Things had taken a turn for the better!!” Clark wrote.

Soon after the election the number of members grew to near 500. In addition to holding an open forum Clark’s Facebook page also featured videos of various public meetings all or most taped by Ely businessman George Chachas.

It was a dispute over those meeting that was the catalyst for the closure of the group.

“Audrey put them up on her page,” Coster said. “But then they were put up on youtube. Audrey got upset and began to boot people off. She booted me off as well.” Coster recounted. “By the end of November I think she was down to about 117 and then I noticed the page was just gone. It is a shame too. Before she began booting people, it was a very nice page.”

Until the November election Clark had a strict no booting policy for her face book page.

“We can disagree without being disagreeable,” she once said.

Although gone from the web, Clark’s experiment was a success while at least for copy cats. Today The are at least three other face book pages  with similar content as Clark’s original.

  Coster now says he’s excited to be appointed judge and doesn’t plan to make any major changes at the court.

  He says he’ll try to find some new ways to reduce costs, but says the court currently runs “quite well” thanks to its experienced staff.

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