Anyone who speaks with us for more than five minutes, will find out we have children.

Give us 10 minutes, they will know their names and ages.

We are very proud of our children and very loud about our pride.

Two of our kids are now fine young men.

One served in the Israeli Army and just graduated university while his younger brother just began serving.

We would like to claim all the credit for our boys but honestly a large part of why they turned out so well has little to do with us and more to do with football. Football saved them.

Our boys were smart, still are.

But being a smart kid in school meant they never had to try real hard to succeed academically.

Can’t really instill in a boy to appreciate hard work when the science experiment he spent 15 minutes on the day before wins 3rd place in the county wide science fair.

Football was altogether different.

About as untalented athletically as they were talented academically our boys had to work really work to get good at the game.

Football taught them humility.

The apple of every teachers’ eye they stood out in class.

They didn’t stand out on the field and they learned no single person wins a game.

Football taught them the value of team work and to value their team mates.

On occasion they sometimes conned their way for a make up test.

Football taught them there are no do overs and to play through pain.

Football, in short, gave them real life lessons that went and will still go on influencing their lives for the better.

That is why we so heartily encourage all parents to sign their children up to play.

Without embarrassment we call it the Manly Art because it teaches boys to be men, fine young men.


It breaks our heart to see Nancy Green every time she appears before the city council. But although we feel her pain at the imminent loss of her business, if Wendover Gas closed down tomorrow we wouldn’t notice.

We don’t use propane.

Even if we did we know we could readily find another supplier should the company shut down.

So why is our city council contemplating spending over $2 million to buy it?

If the city really wanted to support the local gas company it should not have gone after all that “free” federal money to buy those solar panels it could not have afforded otherwise and instead bought gas from Nancy.

Now through guilt or greed or both, they will buy her out and bail her out.