Published in the High Desert Advocate Newspaper in September 18th, 2020 Edition.
Pursuant to Governor Steve Sisolak’s Declaration of Emergency Directive 021 issued on May 28, 2020, the Nevada Gaming Control Board has implemented and enforced its Health and Safety Policies for Reopening after Temporary Closure since Governor Sisolak authorized the resumption of gaming operations on June 4, 2020. In the months of June and July, the Board conducted over 10,000 inspections and observations of gaming licensees in Nevada.
Since August 1, 2020, the Enforcement Division has conducted an additional 1,795 inspections and observations of nonrestricted and restricted licensees statewide. To date, the Board has opened 189 regulatory cases statewide, relating to non-compliance with the Board’s Health and Safety Policies. Pursuant to subsections 4 and 6 of NRS 463.120, any information prepared or obtained by the Board relating to a licensee’s compliance with the Health and Safety Policies is confidential.
Of the 189 regulatory cases, the Board has filed 7 formal complaints against licensees with the Nevada Gaming Commission, which can be found here.
“As we approach Labor Day weekend, it is imperative that gaming establishments adhere to each aspect of the Board’s Health and Safety Policies.” said Chairwoman Sandra Douglass Morgan. “It is incumbent on every gaming operator to remind employees and customers to properly wear face coverings and to comply with occupancy limits and social distancing protocols to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.”
Other statewide, multi-jurisdictional, and multi-agency efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 include Clark County’s “Stop, Swab & Go!” free COVID-19 testing service, ongoing until September 18, 2020, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services release of COVID Trace, the Department’s contact tracing application.
The Nevada Gaming Control Board governs Nevada’s gaming industry through strict regulation of all persons, locations, practices, associations and related activities. The Board protects the integrity and stability of the industry through its investigative and licensing practices, and enforces laws and regulations, while holding gaming licensees to high standards. Through these practices, the Board is able to ensure the proper collection of taxes and fees that are an essential source of revenue for Nevada.