Printed in the High Desert Advocate Edition September 10, 2021.

There’s No Excuse for Driving Under the Influence

The Nevada Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies participating in Joining Forces will be combining resources from September 2 through September 13, 2021, to apprehend impaired drivers.

Each year, motorists across Nevada are killed or injured because someone made the decision to drive impaired. In 2018, 133 people died on Nevada’s roadways in impaired driving crashes. Impaired driving doesn’t mean just alcohol; it is anything that affects your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Being a responsible driver is simple: if you are impaired, do not drive. Whether it’s a designated driver or public transportation, everyone should make sure they have a plan in place to avoid any chance of making a poor decision that could lead to unnecessary tragedy.

This Joining Forces campaign reflects the unwavering mission of the Nevada Highway Patrol and its dedication to keeping the public safe by finding, investigating, and apprehending persons driving while impaired on Nevada’s highways.

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