Printed in the High Desert Advocate Edition September 24, 2021.

West Wendover Police Department K-9 Officer “Astro”

     The High Desert Advocate started an investigation of the West Wendover Police Department’s K9 dogs. Some disturbing phone call(from an unknown source to the Advocate) made allegations that the department was not taking proper care of their police dogs and that one of them in particular was constantly at the canal, going round and round, months at a time and not cared for, and probably not properly trained.

      But the High Desert Advocate talked to West Wendover Police Chief Cal Kuntz and also to Lieutenant Brad Hillaker. 

     In response to our inquiry both the chief of Police and Lieutenant Brad Hillaker provided us with great details in debunking those rumors:

     “We have two certified K9 handlers along with their dogs. Both K9 handlers and their dogs are dual certified which is in the state of Nevada and Utah for narcotic detection. They conduct at a minimum of 16 hours per month of training at which there are times they surpass the 16 hours. They also train monthly with the K9 handlers and their dogs from the Elko Police Department. 

     Recently, the Elko Police Department K9 handlers and their dogs traveled to West Wendover to train with West Wendover Police Department’s K9 handlers and their dogs. 

     On a side note, there are times when the monthly trainings are not conducted monthly and several months can go by as the K9 handlers personal life may interfere and training has to be canceled and/or rescheduled. 

     In response to it being mentioned of a K9 handlers dog being left at the Animal Shelter for long periods of time or simply a K9 handler’s dog is in the Animal Shelter. 

    These dogs are highly trained dogs and the dogs simply can’t be left with anyone so they are authorized to be kept in the Animal Shelter at times when the K9 handler [may be out on training or ] out on vacation either out of state or out of the country. If a K9 handler’s dog is left at the Animal Shelter the dog is checked on by the other Officers and also the Animal Control Officer [who also play with the dog]. 

      We have done agency assists in which the Wendover Police Department has been given authorization to leave their dogs in our Animal Shelter when needed. 

       Recently, to my knowledge, there was a Belgian Malinois that was in the Animal Shelter and the dog resembled being a Cop Dog.[looked like one but was not, so the confusion]. 

       The West Wendover Police Department takes care of their dogs and goes to great lengths to make sure that is done. 

       West Wendover Police Department has bought each dog a dog kennel, and a dog house to be placed at each K9 handler’s residence. We have equipped them with device collars to assist with any exhibiting behaviors.”

       Later this month West Wendover Police Department will present their brand new K9 vehicles, ordered but not here yet, along with their K9 handlers and dogs. The new vehicles will have special features to help the dogs be more comfortable [like fans starting automatically if it is hot in the vehicle, etc…] and let them work in an even better environment.”

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