Once again we find ourselves on the precipice of war and once again Barrack Obama is playing Hamlet.
Will he or won’t he?
If we were betting men we would give odds that he splits the difference again and does a very mild, limited strike that will accomplish little in the short run and could spell disaster in the long run.
There is no such thing as a limited war unless one can get the other side to agree on its limits. Even then keeping to one’s word is not really a high priority when one is involved in the mass killing of people.
In truth we see now difference between the indiscriminate use of nerve gas on a civilian population and indiscriminate conventional shelling of a civilian population.
Obama did and so last year he drew his now infamous red line.
It was quite a rhetorical flourish that meant absolutely nothing.
The Syrian regime has been crossing that red line for over a year.
Everyone knew it
But last week that the world got the photos.
It is put up or shut up time Mr. President and the real sad thing is we may be going to war to justify your sound byte.
The real sad part is that bombing Syria may be the least worst option we have.
If we don’t put action behind those words American soldiers will be looked at as sitting ducks all over the world.
And not only soldiers. American businesses, tourists, travelers will be targets because of this perceived weak president.
It is that kind of world.
We wish this undecider of a president would have chosen his words more carefully.
But he didn’t.
As Tuco said in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly: “If you are going to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.”
In about a month the final school enrollment numbers will come out.
If they are anything like the first day numbers, it should be a wake up call for West Wendover.
It is not that anyone should begrudge growth on the Utah side of town but there really should be no reason why one side is growing while the other shrinks.
Well there is a good reason.
While West Wendover went on a public building spree and declared holy war on growth, Wendover, Utah did the opposite.
A drive through town is a study in contrasts. Every nook and cranny in Wendover, Utah is filled with business. Nothing as large as a casino but little shops offering just about everything.
Most of them would probably not meet any of the myriad of city codes on the Nevada side and there owners might meet with the Nevada city council approval.
It is nice to be so protected.
It is so nice that people are leaving.