A Salt Lake scam artist was hoisted by his own petard Monday when he tried to bilk the Peppermill out of the cost of a new computer.
Gene Cody Barrett sits in the Elko County Jail on an over $21,000 bail after his plan to griff the Peppermill went south.
According to WWPD reports Barrett then a guest at the hotel left a broken lap top computer at the Security office for safe keeping and when it was returned to him claimed that it was in perfect working order when he left it. Barrett demanded a cash settlement and left the security office. According to West Wendover Police Lieutenant Donald Lininger security had been tipped off by an anonymous caller that Barrett had intended to scam the casino.
“He has several outstanding warrants from Utah too,” Lininger said. “Unfortunately none of them are extraditable.”
Instead of writing a check Peppermill security called the police who arrived while Barrett was away.
While the officers were being given this information Barrett returned to the security office to finish his report. As officers began to question Barrett, he ran. While running through the casino Barrett threw chairs and barrier poles in the path of officers in attempts to slow them down. While doing so Barrett also threw a pole at an officer striking him in the leg. From running a non-violent griff that action became assaulting a police officer.
Barrett ran out of the casino into the parking lot where he attempted to hide between cars. Officers were able to find Barrett and took him into custody without further incident.