Newmont2 10:23:14Our fifth annual Newmont Legacy Fund employee giving campaign has concluded, and I’m excited and proud to announce that not only did we meet our employee participation goal of 70 percent; we also set a new record for pledged dollars. Our Nevada employees alone have committed $1.095 million, which Newmont will match dollar for dollar to deliver a total $2.19 million that will be distributed among approximately 175 nonprofits and community organizations across northern Nevada next year.


This is the third year in a row that 70 percent or more of our employees have participated in the campaign and helped us generate more than $2 million for our northern Nevada communities. You are the driving force that makes the Legacy Fund so successful. Your generous contributions of money, time, energy and talents to our communities make us all proud, and this remarkable milestone is, by itself, truly a reason to celebrate. Added to that achievement is the growth of our Legacy Fund Endowment Fund, which just this past summer ascended above the $1million mark. With your ongoing support and Newmont’s commitment of annual corporate contributions, the Endowment Fund will continue to grow by approximately $250,000 per year, building a substantial legacy that will help support our host communities long after Newmont has ceased operation in northern Nevada.


“On behalf of Newmont, I extend my sincerest thanks to all of you for your boundless generosity and dedication, which continue to make the Legacy Fund an enduring success. Your commitment is helping to maintain healthy and vibrant communities where we live and work” said Tom Kerr, Senior Vice President, of Newmont North America.

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