We don’t believe West Wendover Mayor is a racist nor was she acting like one in last week’s council meeting despite her ill chosen words.
She was being racial and there is a difference that is all too easily forgotten in this hyper sensitive era.
Racism for those who never experienced it really cannot be described in words it must be felt. But apart from all of its other ingredients of shame, humiliation and exclusion there is a healthy helping of fear.
And we don’t believe either Nick Flores or anyone else was made afraid by Emily Carter’s speech.
Flores himself might have been in embarrassed but he did accept the appointment.
Besides every one in the room knew that Flores ethnicity had less to do with his appointment than his employer. All other things being equal if Flores had been working for any other company besides the Peppermill he would not have been nominated and he would not have won on a 3-2 vote.
What we find difficult to swallow is Carter’s essential dishonesty by omission.
It would have been so much more refreshing for Carter to say “I pick Nick because he is a co-worker of mine and our employer’s interests should be protected on the city council.”
There is no shame in honesty unless one is acting ignobly and is self aware.
Perhaps Carter has told us more in her lie than by telling the simple truth.